
Once installed, Maestro is available both as a library through the maestro package and as an executable. To run Maestro, simply execute maestro. Note that if you didn’t install Maestro system-wide, you can still run it with the same commands as long as your PYTHONPATH contains the path to your maestro-ng repository clone and using python -m maestro ....

$ maestro -h
usage: maestro [-h] [-f FILE] [-v]
               {status,pull,start,stop,restart,logs,deptree} ...

Maestro, Docker container orchestrator.

positional arguments:
    status              display container status
    pull                pull images from repository
    start               start services and containers
    stop                stop services and containers
    kill                kill services and containers
    restart             restart services and containers
    logs                show logs from a container
    deptree             show the dependency tree
    complete            shell auto-completion helper

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  read environment description from FILE (use - for
                        stdin, defaults to ./maestro.yaml)
  -v, --version         show program version and exit

You can then get help on each individual command with:

$ maestro start -h
usage: maestro start [-h] [-c LIMIT] [-d] [-i] [-r] [thing [thing ...]]

Start services and containers

positional arguments:
  thing                 container(s) or service(s) to display

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c LIMIT, --concurrency LIMIT
                        limit how many containers can be acted on at the same
                        time to LIMIT
  -d, --with-dependencies
                        include dependencies
  -i, --ignore-dependencies
                        ignore dependency order
  -r, --refresh-images  force refresh of container images from registry

By default, Maestro will read the environment description configuration from the maestro.yaml file in the current directory. You can override this with the -f flag to specify the path to the environment configuration file. Additionally, you can use - to read the configuration from stdin. The following commands are identical:

$ maestro status
$ maestro -f maestro.yaml status
$ maestro -f - status < maestro.yaml

The first positional argument is a command you want Maestro to execute. The available commands are status, start, stop, restart, logs and deptree. They should all be self-explanatory.

Most commands operate on one or more “things”, which can be services or instances, by name. When passing service names, Maestro will automatically expand those to their corresponding list of instances. The logs command is the only one that operates on strictly one container instance.

Impact of defined dependencies on orchestration order

One of the main features of Maestro is its understand of dependencies between services. When Maestro carries out an orchestration action, dependencies are always considered unless the -i | --ignore-dependencies flag is passed.

But Maestro will only respect the dependencies to other services and containers that the current orchestration action includes. If you want Maestro to automatically include the dependencies of the services or containers you want to act on in the orchestration that will be carried out, you must pass the -d | --with-dependencies flag!

For example, assuming we have two services, ZooKeeper (zookeeper) and Kafka (kafka), and that Kafka depends on ZooKeeper:

# Starts Kafka and only Kafka:
$ maestro start kafka

# Starts ZooKeeper, then Kafka:
$ maestro start -d kafka
# Which is equivalent to:
$ maestro start kafka zookeeper

# Starts ZooKeeper and Kafka at the same time (includes dependencies but
# ignores dependency order constraints):
$ maestro start -d -i kafka